club info
Club info

Create an overview page for your club: address, telephone number, details of the club administrator and add a nice logo.


Create training courses that your members can register for: determine the maximum number of participants, specify the location and indicate who will give the training.


View at a glance an overview of your members and their subscriptions. Filter by name or validity of subscription. Inquire about the number of turns remaining.

member details
Member details

Add a photo, renew a subscription or create a new one. Save useful information such as e-mail, (emergency) telephone number, etc. See who the parents of underage members are and who uses the app and who does not.


Communicate with your members: Inform them about a last minute cancellation of a training, remind them to bring outdoor shoes or when the annual reception is going on.

scan qr

Scan your members when they enter the training using a QR code. Subtract a turn from their subscription after scanning and have attendances tracked automatically.

member details

Let your members pay their membership fee via Squatix. Receive the price for participation in an event without administrative hassle. View at a glance who has already paid and who has not.


Set up your newsletters from A to Z via Squatix: layout, a fixed header, insert pictures... Determine which of your members belongs to the recipients and get an overview of who has unsubscribed.

scanning qr

Not only your members but also the volunteers in the club can be managed via Squatix. At events, indicate which tasks there are, how many people you are looking for and let them register themselves without you having to worry about it.

squatix trainings user profile

More features coming soon...

Squatix continues to evolve and add features. Do you see an opportunity for improvement or do you miss a functionality for your club? Then contact us to discuss this!